When applied correctly - by addressing the root cause of a health imbalance, acupuncture can effectively address a wide spectrum of physical, emotional and psycho-somatic signs and symptoms/conditions.
Stems and Branches acupuncture works holistically, so the treatment will simultaneously re-balance your whole body when addressing the root cause of any specific symptom.
In case the health imbalance you suffer from is not listed on this page, please get in touch.
Whether allergies are triggered by food, dust or pollen, they all can be effectively addressed with acupuncture.
Cardiovascular diseases can be successfully addressed with acupuncture. Energies involved in cardiovascular diseases are those of Liver, Heart, Pericardium and Kidney.
Eczema/dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea, urticaria known as hives are some of the dermatological conditions that can be successfully addressed with acupuncture.
Digestive system health imbalances include gut problems, inflammatory bowel syndromes, acid reflux, bloating, ulcers and many more.
Energies/meridians involved in digestive problems are mostly those of Kidney, Liver, Stomach, Spleen and Small Intestine.
In Chinese medicine, our minds, emotions and bodies are interconnected. Emotions are understood to be governed by the five internal organs – Kidney, Liver, Heart, Spleen and Lung. For example anger is governed by the energy of Liver.
On top of this basic understanding of how emotions are connected to our physical bodies through our internal organs, every individual has their own specific energetic imprint which they carry from birth and which governs their overall emotions and emotional body.
While talking therapy is very beneficial in addressing emotional and psychological issues, I see in my practice that by working on specific internal organs which are connected to specific emotions while also working on person’s unique energetic emotional imprint, a deep healing can set in.
Endocrine health imbalances can be successfully helped and addressed with acupuncture and by supplementation/dietary advice.
Depending on what specific endocrine imbalance patient presents with, I work with the relevant energy.
Energy of Kidney is always involved in endocrine health imbalances.
Acupuncture can be beneficial in treating gynaecological imbalances such as menstrual cycle issues and menopausal symptoms as well as fertility imbalances and IVF support.
Acupuncture can be very effective in addressing neurological imbalances such as headaches, migraines, Bell’s Palsy, and many more.
I have found acupuncture to be effective in treating most musculoskeletal conditions, including those that developed ‘on their own’ without any prior physical injury. Every body part is governed by energy of certain internal organ and as such, musculoskeletal issues that develop without prior physical injury are very much due to the imbalance of the internal organ that the affected body part is governed by.
For example, pains and problems in knees, lower back and feet can be successfully treated by working on energy of Kidney.
Respiratory health imbalances are from energy point of view often due to Kidney, Stomach, Liver and Lung energies/meridians being compromised and weakened and as such these need to be addressed to promote healing. Acupuncture can be very beneficial in resolving respiratory health imbalances.
Problems with sleep which includes difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, waking up at night, light sleep, feeling very tired upon waking-up, can be successfully addressed by using acupuncture.